Today I completed my third film collaboration of the month. All these wonderful chances were given to me by passionate filmmakers whom contacted me directly. All without any audition rounds.. What a sublime joy this is, I cannot emphasize enough..

I think it is not only because of my talent that these people want to work with me but also that I am such a true lover of the process.  
I take initiatives and treat all my given/taken responsibilities carefully. I remain professional, open and positive; also as a matter of self-respect of course.
But I mean, attitude is the gold!

It was during my first visit in Berlin, January 2003, when I was taught this life lesson by my uncle. He said, "Do everything you do, with sincere attention and do not wait to be given tasks. Find and fix them, yourself. Greater respect and mutual trust can only be built then."

Let this year bring even more challenging opportunities, where we keep on building.


Whatever you do, #behumblefirst


May Conflicts and Discoveries


Headshots, More Than Pretty Pictures